Self-care for self-esteem
Over the last ten years, as a clinical psychologist working with women, I have had the opportunity to hear deeply personal stories shared...

In the company of men
So my Facebook and Twitter, is filled with people sharing India’s Daughter Documentary. I wonder if this is perpetuating a prejudice of...

Visual metaphors and insights
When I was younger, I would ask a lot of questions to my teachers and often draw inspiration from art, theater, movies and books. Many...

Positive Psychology
About a year back, I was teaching a group of adult students and one of the topics I taught was ‘Positive Psychology’. The most...

Declutter and Reboot
Every time I sit down to de-clutter my wardrobe, there are few clothes that have been around forever. They continue to sit in my cupboard...

All of us allow ourselves to be consumed by life, and in the process, we lose the essence of who we are, the opportunity to connect with...

Technology versus real human connections
In today’s age, we have armed ourselves with weapons of escape that never existed before, and these weapons can pretty much ruin the...

Faith to fathom, strength to surrender
Sometimes when I look back at life, important people and how life has shaped, I’m speechless. There is so much we try and control but...

Compassion and assertiveness in children
There are two skills that can help children in self-preservation, and also help them form healthy relationships. These skills would be...

Trust and therapy, the stories within
Sometimes I feel there are so many stories of pain, struggle, hope and resilience buried deep within me. These are tales, that clients...